Saturday 13 August 2011

Sweet nothing envelopes (Couples & Friends)

Everyone likes a nice surprise!
Imagine how wonderful it would be when you are busy..
out shopping or paying bills...
to open your wallet/ purse and find a little envelope....
Filled with a little bit of love!

These little envelops can be filled with a nice little note of appreciation,
a sweet small gift, 
or a perfectly chosen love heart sweet.
Whatever you choose it will be a beautiful moment of excitement 
when the envelope is found and the recipient feels your love for them.

The envelopes start of as 2.5" x 4" brown money envelopes
I bought these from Wilkinson's 
a pack of 50 for just £1.00!
That's alot of love you could spread with just £1.00!!

You can decorate them with pretty papers,
cut out pretty pictures or patterns from wrapping paper,
Write a little hint as to the contents,
or tenderly note a shared memory you treasure.

Share a little love!

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